Contest log's
On this page are placed the log's of the crystal receiver contests I took part in.
But first, a photo of myself and my receiver "set 7".
During the contests, I often place the receiver unit's on a cardboard box of
about 15 cm high.
This reduces the losses caused by the wood and iron of the table, and improving
the sensitivity and selectivity of the receiver slightly.
Below the log's of the station received.
The log's are Excel files.
It's free to use these files for your own.
Tips for use:
You have to fill in the data below the yellow colored fields.
Also fill in your own coordinates.
After you fill in the station coordinates, the distance is calculated
Also the points are calculated, according to the rules of the "Birmingham,
Alabama crystal radio group"
If you insert new lines yourself, you must also copy the formula's from
another line.
Contestlog of the "Back to the future" crystal
receiver contest, held from 25 to31 december 2004 in the Netherlands. Receiver: set 7 Number of received stations: 201. To download click here: log-BTTF-2004.xls |
Contestlog of the "Seventh Annual Elmer Memorial Crystal
Radio DX Contest" held from 21 -31 january 2005. Receiver: Set 7 Number of received stations: 222. To download click here: Contestlog Elmer 2005.xls |
During the contests I use this antenna, you see the antenna wire on the left
side of the mast.
The antenna wire don't make electric contact with the mast.
Lenght of the antenna wire: 22 meters.
Highest point: 18 meters.
The two dipole antenna's in the top of the mast are FM transmitting antenna's of
a local radio station.
If the transmitter (63 Watt E.R.P.) is on air, it has no effect at all on the
reception of my crystal receivers.
When I connect this wire antenna to my set7
I get the following voltages out of the detector diode:
10 Volts dc with a 400 kW station at 41 km distance.
40 Volt dc with a 120 kW station at 17 km distance.
In this last case I used as detector diode a silicon diode type 1N4148, because
the used shottky diode can't handle such a large voltage.
The DC load behind the diode was about 1.5 Mega-Ohm.